As announced the Competitive League event registration is now closed and team lists will be sent over to the Tournament Directors shortly.  Planning for a great experience for teams and volunteers is well underway!

For our remaining teams,  we have our Recreational League events coming soon  – yes, same tournament format, same judging, same game play.  The only differences are extra team meeting time as the events are in April/May, there is no  Championship  advancement  and little/no focus on competition but instead on having fun and learning!   Every team will receive a participation trophy as well!  Event details and the pre-req  (jotform, payment) will be available starting in December.

Finally, if you want to visit one of the Competitive League events,  please make sure to note the Visitor policy that will be  up to date on our tournament list.   It is fun to watch the Robot Games and talk to the teams in their pit area.  Note that Judging is closed to the public – only the team and the judges will be allowed in.